Thursday, October 30, 2014

VALS Survey Results

Write & publish a blog post about your results and how you feel they reflect or fail to reflect who you are as a person. 
After taking the VALS Survey, my results read: Your primary VALS type is Experiencer 
                                                                                   Your secondary type is an Achiever 
I believe that my primary result is spot on.  I absolutely consider myself someone who loves to experience new things that are very thrilling and interesting and I love to make things happen. My idea of interesting and exciting experiences that I have done are things such as traveling, doing physical activity, riding roller coasters, free falling, tubing,  tasting new foods, cliff jumping etc... My future exciting plans include skydiving, snorkeling, hang gliding, and more. 
I believe that my secondary type is more of a thinker rather than an achiever. I know that I am someone who really analyzes every possibility of something that I do or will do and how it may affect me later on. I love the feeling of achieving things, however I find that I often over-think things, which is the reason I feel that I am more of a thinker rather than an achiever. 

What have you learned about yourself through this exercise?

Through this exercise I have learned that I know how to distinguish what kind of person I am regardless of what an assessment says that I am. 

  How do you think this information may be used to appeal to you as a consumer?

 I think that this information would appeal to a consumer, because as a professional they would see that I am the type of person that loves taking on new experiences that are challenging and exciting. I really enjoy making and creating things that are useful and successful. Although the test says that I am an achiever, I also think that my thinking skills would be very appealing to a consumer, because I can use this skill to dissect every possibility that would create a successful .