Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Personal Stance on Copyright

Copyright was developed in order to protect an originators creative work, and grants that creator exclusive rights to distribution. Creators of original works are also given the right to receive profit for their work, if they choose. A great benefit from the copyright law is that creator's are able to be protect by these copyright laws for the extent of their lifetime, plus seventy years after their death.

My Stance on Copyright

I believe that copyright is a great law to have, especially for the creators of a work. Creators are able to take credit for their work and gain all of it's benefits. However today, violation of this law happens more often than some would think. For example, when one illegally downloads an artists music, meaning they have not purchased it, they are violating those artists rights. Also, one that edits an artist work and attempt to sell it as their own is a violation of the copyright law. Therefore, anytime a person takes the work of another and attempts to produce it as their own, they are again violating the copyright law. Sites such as Creative Commons allow people to use licensed  pictures to copy, distribute, and make uses of their work as long as the user does not use the content commercially and try to gain profit using the work. The copyright law is a good thing in my opinion, but it is not always honored as there are many violations of the copyright today.

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