Saturday, April 23, 2016

Late Night In the Zone- Spring Break

Cultural Blog 5

 I actually didn't attend another event...

APRIL FOOLS, on April 1 I attended the final Late Night in the Zone of the semester and this month's theme was "Spring Break". The event included a mechanical bull (which was suppose to be a mechanical shark), mocktails/ food, bingo, a DJ, glow-in-the-dark tie painting, black light putt-putt, and a photo booth! The photo booth was probably my favorite part (hence the picture to the right with my friend Lauren). The event was well decorated and had plenty to do, however this Late Night was one of the least attended Late Night In the Zone's of the semester. The mechanical bull company, Phantom Shadow accidentally brought their mechanical bull rather than mechanical shark which somewhat confused the theme, but still did the job. Also, by the middle of the night bingo actually turned into karaoke and was much more entertaining than hearing "B42, anyone have B42". Subs were served at the event, and Rockstar mocktails were made as well, which were actually really tasty and made people pretty hyper. I had a good time at the event, I do however wish that more people attended. A con of the event is that many people cleared out by midnight, and the event lasted until 1 a.m.

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