Thursday, March 31, 2016

Career Fest!

Cultural Blog 1& 2- Attending this event counts for two blogs!

 On March 10, 2016 Shepherd University hosted it's annual Career Fest. I attended the event with a few of my classmates, Lauren and Emilee, and even spoke with Lauren's mother about Brethren Mutual Insurance, the company where she manages the communication's department. I spoke with a few more employers briefly, and I genuinely thought that Career Fest was a great experience. Though I did not find the perfect fitting job for myself, I did gain the experience of speaking with employers and gaining knowledge of the kind of work they perform. I regret not attending Career Fest in previous years, because I spoke with several employers who were in search of summer interns. I would recommend to all students attending Shepherd University that they attend next years Career Fest as they may land their dream job, or at least gain experience in speaking with professionals. 

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