Thursday, March 31, 2016

Detheux Part 2

Jean Detheux discusses how animation has strayed from being an art form to a "manufactured" production. Detheux strongly expresses that today's common animation is one that has simply been overplay and unfortunately has lost its title of being an art form. You see, Detheux explains in part two that today's animation viewers are those that are easily touched or moved by a storyline. But, isn't this the exact thing that Walt Disney has strived for since the beginning? It's an interesting point that she makes saying, the audience does not even need a compelling story to be invested in the characters. In fact, instantly seeing today's animated characters and watching them move is enough for people to be invested today. Where has the story in a storyline gone? Detheux explains that if the entire character or entire story is already developed before writing, than animator is simply "stuck in their ways". Knowingly writing the entirety of a story tells you that you've become a hibitual writer, meaning that a writer is stuck writing the same beginning, middle and end as the storylines created previously. Detheux continues to push for a more artistic approach to animation, however as explained in my part one blog, as long as the audience attaches to "manufactured" animation, it will remain for years to come.

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