Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spring 2016 Coming to a Close

Blog 11


 Well guys...senior capstone has come and gone!! My capstone has been an amazing learning experience that helped push me out of my comfort zone. My capstone project began by venturing to my church in Shepherdstown, WV, St. Agnes Catholic Church. Kate DiServio, St. Agnes event coordinator, introduced me to a potential upcoming concert event featuring well-known Christian Music Artist, Matt Maher. St James was in need of effective public relations campaigning at The Roman Catholic Parish of St. James the Greater. In time, we collectively decided on the name Mountain Spring Concert. The idea behind this name is having a fresh welcome of spring in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia with a music celebration. Understanding that my client was in need of promotional skills, I chose to use the best of my public relations abilities to promote this concert. In promoting, I created an informational survey to gain knowledge of current St James' members involvement with Christian music and awareness of Matt Maher. I developed an editorial calendar of all social media posts that would occur during the time of the campaign. These social media platforms included Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. To extend my reach of audience I formed a cover letter and press release for local news papers, which would inform the surrounding community of the church. Lastly, I created fliers to be added into church bulletins to provide details and information of ticket purchasing for members of the church. Overall, I had a very rewarding senior capstone experience, and I truly cannot believe it is completed. Capstone is a project that has been in the back of my mind since I entered the communications department at Shepherd University, and is one that I was slightly worried and nervous about taking on. After completing capstone, I understand that the project itself is a learning experience and is one that has given me a preview into my future profession.

Editorial Calendar Ex.

14-Feb Facebook Happy Valentine's Day, "Mountain Springers"! Love is in the air! If you're still in need of a Valentine's gift, fear not! The Mountain Spring Concert tickets are still available for purchase at at $10 a ticket! We cannot wait to share our love of God and music with all of you at the Mountain Spring Concert on May 19!

14-Feb Twitter, Instagram Give the gift of music this Valentine's Days! #MSC 

18-Feb Facebook SHARE THIS POST TO WIN: Matt Mahers new albulm, SAINTS AND SINNERS!!! Five lucky people will win Matt Maher's new albulm by either sharing on Facebook or retweeting this post on our Twitter page! **Winners will be announced March 18, must be present at Concert to recieve CD (new names will be drawn if no show) Mountain Spring Concert, Thursday May 19, 7-9pm

18-Feb Twitter RETWEET THIS TO WIN Maher's new albulm, SAINTS AND SINNERS!! #MSC #rt #winner3/18














Survey Ex. 












 Cover Letter & Press Release

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Late Night In the Zone- Spring Break

Cultural Blog 5

 I actually didn't attend another event...

APRIL FOOLS, on April 1 I attended the final Late Night in the Zone of the semester and this month's theme was "Spring Break". The event included a mechanical bull (which was suppose to be a mechanical shark), mocktails/ food, bingo, a DJ, glow-in-the-dark tie painting, black light putt-putt, and a photo booth! The photo booth was probably my favorite part (hence the picture to the right with my friend Lauren). The event was well decorated and had plenty to do, however this Late Night was one of the least attended Late Night In the Zone's of the semester. The mechanical bull company, Phantom Shadow accidentally brought their mechanical bull rather than mechanical shark which somewhat confused the theme, but still did the job. Also, by the middle of the night bingo actually turned into karaoke and was much more entertaining than hearing "B42, anyone have B42". Subs were served at the event, and Rockstar mocktails were made as well, which were actually really tasty and made people pretty hyper. I had a good time at the event, I do however wish that more people attended. A con of the event is that many people cleared out by midnight, and the event lasted until 1 a.m.

Shepherd Baseball vs Wheeling Jesuit

Cultural Blog 4


On Saturday, April 16 my friend, Emilee and I attended the Shepherd University baseball game versus Wheeling Jesuit University at Fairfax field. It was the warmest Saturday we've yet to have reaching nearly 80 degrees. I decided to bring my pups along, and we plopped down on the right field side and watched the game in the grass. We attending the first game of the evening, and chose not to stay for the second, because of the heat getting to both of us and the dog. Both teams made the game very interesting, because the final score was very close. On offense, Shepherd had hit after hit but tended to hit the ball directly to or near a fielder. Finally, Shepherd had gained momentum in the fifth inning when a batter hit a two-run single that got through the infielders and ultimately lead Shepherd to win the first game 2-1. We had a great time catching a little sun and watching the game, and I did learn that I probably will not be bringing my extremely hyper pups back to a game...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Most Important Phenom in Animation: According to Me

Lets rewind to four months go...sometime in January. I didn't know the first thing about animation. Granted I'm no expert, but I have learned a few things over the past couple of months! During a little trial and error in creating animation my self, I truly believe the most important phenomenon in animation is squash and stretch. Squash and stretch is a principle used in animation to make an object or character's movements appear real. In reality, our bodies remain at one length all times, however in certain situations our bodies must compress or extend to their possible limits. For example, if a body bends down, in animation this would be considered "squashing". Squashing would also be when a ball drops to the ground and compresses as gravity pulls the ball to the earth. "Stretching" for our bodies is exactly what is sounds like. If you were to take a large leap to jump from point A to point B, your body would be in it's full extension to do so. As for the ball, it would be bouncing up toward the sky in its maximum stretching capacity. If you wanted to recreate this look in animation, squash and stretch is absolutely necessary to complete that task. When Walt Disney and his crew were sifting through good and bad animators, the first test was to see if they could animated a bouncing ball, so this principle has been a vital rule in animation for years. Squash and stretch is without a doubt the most important phenomenon/ principle in the creation of any animation.

Detheux Part 2

Jean Detheux discusses how animation has strayed from being an art form to a "manufactured" production. Detheux strongly expresses that today's common animation is one that has simply been overplay and unfortunately has lost its title of being an art form. You see, Detheux explains in part two that today's animation viewers are those that are easily touched or moved by a storyline. But, isn't this the exact thing that Walt Disney has strived for since the beginning? It's an interesting point that she makes saying, the audience does not even need a compelling story to be invested in the characters. In fact, instantly seeing today's animated characters and watching them move is enough for people to be invested today. Where has the story in a storyline gone? Detheux explains that if the entire character or entire story is already developed before writing, than animator is simply "stuck in their ways". Knowingly writing the entirety of a story tells you that you've become a hibitual writer, meaning that a writer is stuck writing the same beginning, middle and end as the storylines created previously. Detheux continues to push for a more artistic approach to animation, however as explained in my part one blog, as long as the audience attaches to "manufactured" animation, it will remain for years to come.

Batman vs. Superman: My Movie Viewing Experience

Cultural Blog 3

On March 24, I hopped in the Shepherd University vans and headed to Berkeley Plaza to see Batman vs Superman. Now keep in mind, I'm not a superhero fanatic, however I can absolutely appreciate a good movie when I see one. This one however, I was not overly impressed with. I do think the movie lasted longer than it needed. Yet, after taking an animation class this semester, I can really appreciate the work that went into making this movie look as good as it did. I won't spoil the movie for you, but it did get a bit cheesy at times...that's just my opinion. If you can't decide whether you want to go see the movie tomorrow in theaters or watch within the comfort of your home, I say save your money. Grab it for $1.50 at your local Redbox in a few months and let your followers know what you think!

Career Fest!

Cultural Blog 1& 2- Attending this event counts for two blogs!

 On March 10, 2016 Shepherd University hosted it's annual Career Fest. I attended the event with a few of my classmates, Lauren and Emilee, and even spoke with Lauren's mother about Brethren Mutual Insurance, the company where she manages the communication's department. I spoke with a few more employers briefly, and I genuinely thought that Career Fest was a great experience. Though I did not find the perfect fitting job for myself, I did gain the experience of speaking with employers and gaining knowledge of the kind of work they perform. I regret not attending Career Fest in previous years, because I spoke with several employers who were in search of summer interns. I would recommend to all students attending Shepherd University that they attend next years Career Fest as they may land their dream job, or at least gain experience in speaking with professionals. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Detheaux Part One

Disney has an hegemony over the animation world, that all animation should look like Disney's animation. Often times today, if animation does not resemble the style that Disney produces, it's often seen as mediocre. People respond well to Disney's animation and this style of animation does not seem to be going anywhere any time soon. In failing to step outside of the animation norm,  animators artistic ability is hindered by the preference of Disney animation fans. Steven Brown from Greg Singer's AWN article says that the repetitiveness of animation style has become an epidemic. "Photorealism" seems to take precedence in Disney animation, and they have set a bar that makes others strive to achieve this style. Uniqueness and artistic abilities lack, because animation should not all mimic the style of Disney; however as long as audiences responds well to the Disney approach, this style of animation will be around for years to come.

Event Coordinating Intern


Event coordinating is exciting, rewarding and fun, but is also a demanding task. My internship at the H-lounge has been a great learning experience thus far. I've been arranging and tending to guests that book parties in the VIP section. Guests call to reserve a spot in the section or the entire lounge area, and I then prepare the lounge area for the guests. Throughout the night, guests are able to listen to live music and enjoy beverages made from the lounge's lively bar. The nightlife of the H-lounge is bustling and exciting which makes working with guests enjoyable, though I've developed a habit of making the environment as perfect as possible in order for guests to experience maximum satisfaction throughout their night.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Faculty Presentation Review

Blog 10

Well folks, my faculty presentation happened this week. It was a five minute presentation, with five minutes of questioning/ recap on the presentation. I think my presentation went well, though I do have some things to work on before my project is complete. My final touches for my project will be writing up my event plan such as my goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and so forth. I have some editing to do on my event poster shown above as far as font size and adding more information. After last minute adjustments and touch-ups, I will have my project complete! This coming week we will be creating our tri-fold posters!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Building Audience Emotion in Animation

An important aspect of animation is the connection of characters to the audience. Reason being, is that people will follow the character(s) for years to come as long as they feel invested to their characters. In animation, there are nine ways to build emotions of the audience.

1. Rear View- This is when the camera is set behind the characters as we watch them look on into the distance. This image is often a scene of love where the characters are dreaming of their future together or enjoying their company.
2. Shadows- Shadows typically add suspense or drama to an animation. You will often find shadows used during times or sneaking around or secrecy. Using shadows are much easier to animation and may be use to take up space in the scene.

3. Shadows Over the Character- Shadows over the character often add a scene suspense and stress as if a character is being haunted or followed. In the case of the above picture, Peter Pan's shadow plays a large role in the movie that wouldn't actually follow him. His shadow was like it's on character, but without the complication of facial details and clothing.

4. Overlays- Overlays in animation do a couple of things. Overlays can distract the audience from the main character so that the creator does not have to detail as much of the character as he would if the character was in an open space. Overlays also make the scene look more complex when in reality it is just multiply layers of different things on top of each other.
5. Dramatic Layout-  A dramatic layout plays to the characters emotions. In the image above, the water adds excitement to the scene to play off of Ariel's expression.

6. Pictorial Shots- In this scene, it shows Anna is focused upstairs however we cannot see her expression. Yet, the audience can tell the character is apprehensive to take steps up the stairs as she is bundles and standing flat footed.

7. Effects Animation- Effect in animation add to the scene to help describe the mood or feeling happening. The sparks falling from the sky compare to the rainfall which is the washing away and "cleansing" of the ground to a fresh or new day. In this scene, the beast is transforming to a man, which is better understood through the sparks showing that change is happening.

8. Held Drawing with Camera Moves- Held drawing is something that animators use because it is simpler than moving the entirety of a character. Held drawing often zooms in on a certain aspect of a character to show a change of scene. Animators may zoom into the kiss to show intimacy in the scene.
9. Animation Sounds- Animator's will often show a scene, but will have sounds playing. In doing this, they eliminate the work of animating, but are able to convey their message to the audience simply through sounds. Even though they cannot see what's happening, they know through what they hear.

Now, there are five things to remember when animating emotions.
1. Make sure the emotional state of the character is clearly defined.
2. The thought prices reveals the feeling. So at times it can be shown with a single, held drawing, or a simple move. Other times there should be gestures, body moves, or full action. Determine which is best in each case.
3. Be alert to use cutting and camera in helping accentuate the emotion.
4. Ask yourself constantly...What am I trying to say here? What do I really want to show? How do I want the audience to react?
5. Use the element of time wisely; to establish the emotion of the character, to convey to the viewers, to let them savior the situation. Don't be ponderous, but don't take it away from them just as they start to enjoy it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The True Appeal of Animation

Its is said in animation that the lowest common denominator in animation is the "dumbing-down" of content so that ordinary people can understand the story line. I can understand where this idea comes from, as it is important that all audiences can understand and connect with your animation. However, I cannot agree with the idea that "dumbing-down" content is the lowest common denominator of animation. Heart-warming is a huge factor in animation. Heart-warming is something that I believe draws in an audience and actually keeps them intrigued and wanting more of the animated creation. When "dumbing-down" content I actually believe that you are more apt to lose your audience, because people will not be invested in simple animations for long. In adding the factor of "heart-warming" you are giving your audience something to connect with and become truly invested in by caring for the character. I believe that heart-warming in animation is something that Disney brought to the table, because he became such a strong believer in the personality of a character and its connection to the audience.While "dumbing-down" content can  be effect in reaching multiple audiences, I believe the least common denominator of animation is heart-warming. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spring break means final touches!

Blog Nine

 Tick tock goes the clock... I am in the final countdown for faculty presentations everyone! My faculty presentation is in less than a week, which is one step closer to final presentations. I am very excited to present my concert event plans to the faculty of the Department of Communication! For my presentation, I will begin by discussing the goals and objectives of developing a successful event. Then, I will present the SWOT analysis of my event program. This means giving examples of the strategies, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that have influenced the event campaign. I will discuss the importance of my campaign and other details...all  in a matter of ten minutes! I'm really looking forward to this presentation, and I cannot wait to receive suggestions and advice from my professors that will make my event the best it can be.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Posters and Calendars and Budgets Oh My!

Blog Eight

The picture above is the event poster I have created for the 2016 Mountain Spring Concert. This image will be used for one of several advertising methods for the event. The image above will be printed as posters and hung in the parish center, as well as in bulletins in 5x7 size to be viewed by members of the church! Other forms of advertising are through social media, for which I have developed an editorial calendar for three different platforms that will feature content about the event. Here parishioners, and those interested in the event will be able to find additional information such as what the event is benefiting, information about the artists, and other activities happening during the event. As far as budget, I have found that tickets will be sold for $15 a piece and our attendance goal for the event is 500 people. This amount would result in $5000 raised for the benefit of youth mission trips. Prices for food vendors, sound techs, and table rentals are still being determined as these utilities are often donated which is a great solution for keeping the event budget minimal. The venue is of course free as the church is able to host hundreds of people comfortably on their grounds as it is the largest Catholic church in the state! The event details are nearly complete, and all that is left is to do is to put all of my findings together on paper, which is a very exciting feeling!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mood in Animation

“In most instances,the driving force behind the action is the mood,the personality, the attitude of the character--or else all three. Therefore the mind is the pilot. We think of things before the body does them.” 

This quote by Walt Disney is one that animation artists continue to live by today. A majority of my animation blogs have touched on Disney's outlook on the importance of developing a character with a life-size and relatable personality and frankly this blog is a continuation of just that. Over the years, as explained before, Walt Disney came to realize that the character must not only have an attractive personality, but must physically and emotionally represent the actions of a human being. The minds of animators is what make a character who they are. The mind of an animator will influence the mind of what their creation is thinking. Whatever it may be that the character is thinking, the emotion must accurately be shown in his body language to make the character appear real. 

Though Walt Disney came up with the acting and storytelling, his animators are the ones who were able to create accurate representations of people. It is explained in chapter five of The Illusion of Life that Snow White, of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that Snow White would not have appeared so kind, loving and tender without the detailed moods worked onto characters faces by Disney's animators. Setting the mood is so important in animation, otherwise your characters will seem somewhat lifeless or unemotional. Snow White throughout the movie can be seen as sweet and gentle both physically, mentally, and emotional. Disney's quote explains that without every aspect of good animation, it will never truly be good animation.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mountain Spring Concert Progress!

Blog Seven

The plans for the 2016 Mountain Spring Concert are underway! My survey was sent out to church members of both St. James in Charles Town and St. Agnes in Shepherdstown, and I received about 40 responses within the last four days. These responses have given a great idea of what my audiences are looking for with this upcoming concert and I am able to tailor certain details for marketing the event to their wants and needs. My cover letter and press release are completed and ready to be given to the client. I am currently building a budget and will be designing the logo this week! In my next blog, I will show you guys my design and have my editorial calendar completed. My editorial calendar will provide all of the media post created up to the event!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In Walt's Words


"I definitely feel that we cannot do fantastic things based on the real, unless we first know the real" -Walt Disney

Walt Disney was a man with a genuine passion for flawless animation. It's no wonder that Disney and his skilled team took a great deal of time to perfect their animated creations, because they produced the most realistic animations that were possible at that time. Disney said, "I definitely feel that we cannot do fantastic things based on the real, unless we first know the real". But, what does he mean?

Walt Disney developed a plan of action in order to give young animators better knowledge of the process of solid animation. Disney installed nights classes in his corporation, taught by some of his very best animators. Here, upcoming animators learned the in's and out's of action analysis. Disney learned overtime that it was vital to make his animations appear as if they were real people, animals, or objects. Men were taught the importance and techniques of timing, rhythm, balance, direction, and motion, and were even shown short films developed by Don Graham for better understanding of these techniques. A groundbreaking finding that changed they way animation was created was that characters must move from the hips FIRST, in order to appear as a real person would. Animators, according to Disney, must know exactly how real people and objects move in order to create accurate representations in their animated work.

However, Disney's standards of action analysis were not always the most important rule that he followed. In fact, Disney said "We outta be looking for entertaining ways of doing things. We don't want to get straight, y'know- we're not copying nature!". In this time, Disney was more concerned about giving the character a personality and making them entertaining to watch, that he did not care for the look of realism at this time. For example, in Disney's early animations, Micky Mouse's arm would stretch for miles to reach something rather than making it look realistic and walking to the object to reach for it naturally. Later, with the persuasion of his animators, Walt realized that realism must take precedence in his creative process. Clearly, animating is a learning process that involves more than a lifetime for someone to perfect, but the foundation that Walt Disney built is one that developed into the amazing animations that we see today. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Halfway to Completion

Blog Six

Midterms are upon us and there's one month until faculty presentations! It's unbelievable how much time has passed already, however progress with my Capstone is being made. I have met with my client three times in the past two months to ensure all details are discussed and understood. Thus far, I have created an online survey that is in progress of  being completed by church members of both St. Agnes and The Roman Catholic Parish of St. James the Greater. The survey covers questions about Catholic/ Christian music choices, previously attended Catholic/ Christian music events, awareness of headliner, and demographics. Lastly, have created a cover page and press release that will be able to be sent out to local news papers including, but not limited to: The Journal, Herald Mail, Spirit of Jefferson, and WV Observer. Within the next two weeks, I will have completed a logo, formed a budget, created flier/ bulletin, an editorial calendar for social media posts, and developed a night-of-event schedule.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rules of Animation

Twelve Principles; Fred's Fourteen; Twelve Additional; Nine Economical; Five Emotional

There are 12 principles in animation. These 12 principles were developed by the men of Walt Disney dating back to the 1930’s. The principles still apply to animation today and are the base of ever creator’s animations.

The first principle in animation is squash and stretch. Squash and stretch give the illusion of weight and volume to the character. Squash and stretch are apparent in the face of animations as it gives them more character. 

The second principle is anticipation. Anticipation prepares the audience for the action that the character is about to perform. For example, when a character is preparing to jump, they must bend down first to gain momentum and then spring upwards to jump in order for the action to look accurate. 

The third principle is staging. This is a pose or action that gives the audience an idea of the attitude or reaction of the character as it relates to the story. Staging can depend on the camera angles that give the audience an idea of the current mood. 

The fourth principle is straight ahead and pose to pose. This principle begins with the first scene and draws to the very en of a scene. This seems very chaotic and may lose actual accuracy of the animation’s proportion; however it makes for a very action packed scene. Pose to pose is much more tedious and planned out. These scenes are done at intervals with very carefully drawn movements of the character to ensure that they flow as smoothly as possible. 

The fifth principle is follow through and overlapping action.  Follow through is when separate parts of the body continue moving, even after the character has stopped. A great example of this is a long haired character running and suddenly coming to a complete stop. Even though the characters body has stopped, his/ her hair continues to move in the direction that the body was going. 

The sixth principle is slow-in-slow-out. Running is another great example of this principle. This means that a character slow gains the maximum speed they will reach and will also slow out of the maximum speed back into the minimum speed or completely stopped. 

The seventh principle is arcs. Nearly all actions will involve in arc somewhere within the movement of the character or thing. Arcs allow animation more natural action and to appear more believable.

The eighth principle is secondary action. This gives the scene more life and can help to support the main action. A person walking can simultaneously swing his/ her arms or keep them in his/her pockets. He/ she can speak or white, or can express emotion through facial expressions.  

The ninth principle is timing, which is a very crucial part in the development of your animation. The most important thing to remember is the point A to point B being perfect doesn’t mean that the whole thing will be perfect. Timing is frame rate x seconds = frames.

The tenth principle is exaggeration. Exaggeration does not necessarily mean that the animation will be extreme action all the time. This is more related to facial expressions, body position, features, and attitudes.
The eleventh principle is solid drawing. Solid drawing consists of using pencil sketches and drawings for the animation of your characters. Your drawing should mimic life using expressions, color, and movement.
The twelfth and final principle is appeal. Appeal consists of an enticing personality to capture your audience’s interest. By giving life to your animation through expressions, voice, wardrobe, and more...the audience will relate to your character on a more personal level.

Fred Moore was an animator for Walt Disney, and was known as one of the great “natural” Disney animators in the 1930’s. Some of Moore’s most brilliant creations included the seven dwarfs in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Before his passing at the early age of 42,  he created:

 Fred’s 14 Points of Animation.

1    1. Appeal in drawing
This point is defined in the twelfth principle above. The audience should feel about certain interest to the character and even feelings that make the audience worry and care for what happens to our character.  It is about giving your character a personality that the audience will fall in love with.
2.       2. Staging
Staging is another point explained in the above principles. Staging gains importance from a particular scene. By staging, we are giving the audience a view point that set a certain tone for the action that is going to happen next
3.       3. Most interesting way?
This is an important point because we want our animations and storylines to attract to everyone of all ages. Pixar and Disney have done a fantastic job about making their storylines  and creations appealing to everybody.
4.       4. Is it the most entertaining way?
This point goes along with the description above. You want to interest and entertain everybody to gain more likability to your characters. The bigger the audience, the better.
5.       5. Are you in character?
This point is directly for animators themselves. In order to create a believable animation, you must believe in it as well. Getting yourself into the character mentally is something that will only benefit you as your animation begins to come to life.
6.       6. Are you advancing the character?
Ensuring that you give your character room to grow is vital for the success of your story. By allowing your audience to see how your character grows either physically or mentally, you are passing on the positivity and important of growing as a person.
7.       7. Is it the simplest statement of the idea of the scene?
It’s important to remember that keeping your work simple isn’t always boring. By ensuring simple ideas and messages in your scene, everyone is able to understand that message you are spreading in that given scene.
8.       8. Is the story point clear?
Make sense of your ideas before you begin! I cannot stress the importance of have a clear vision and idea of the story you are trying to tell. Too often people begin a story and have a thousand new ideas coming into action during the middle of the storyline.  Make sense of your ideas before putting them on paper. This way, your audience is able to follow along perfectly with no confusion.
9.       9. Are the secondary actions working with the main action?
This point is all about techniques that make your character look as realistic as possible. Secondary action, as explain above, is one that enhances the realism of your character. If your character turns their head, their hair should move along in that direction as well.
1      10. Is the presentation best for the medium?
Remember, people will be viewing this animation in all different ways. Ensure that you have the best quality creations so that they will look amazing no matter how people are watching.
1      11. Does it have 2 dimensional clarity?
Look at any of the recent movies in the 2000’s that Disney and Pixar have created. All though we are watching 2D movies, the characters appear very life-like because of quality attention put towards the creation of the characters.
1       12. Does it have 3 dimensional solidarity?
If these characters will be viewed in 3D, they should be created so well that your audience doe not view false or weak edges, noisy pixels, or poor filters. Your characters should still stand out in 3D format.  
1       13. Does it have 4 dimensional drawing?
When initially planning your character, and drawing them step by step, they should already be created with dimension.
1       14. Are you trying to do something that shouldn’t be attempted?
Playing with expressions, movements, and angles is acceptable in practice, but should not be attempted when developing scenes for your characters. You want your audience to feel that they are viewing a well put together creation rather than an amateur animation.


There are 12 additional points to animation that all creators and lovers of animation should keep in mind.

1.       Inner feelings and emotions  
Relate your animation to your audience. Reveal their thoughts and show expressions in order for people to connect with them.
2.       Acting with clear and definite action
What are you trying to portray in this scene? What message are you giving to the audience? Whatever it may be, ensure that it is clear and focused to make it as understandable as possible.
3.       Character and Personality
Again, give your animation life. Make them do things that people can relate to or give them feelings that your audience has felt before. This will connect animation and people together.
4.       Thought Process Through Expression Changes
Imagine yourself changing your expression in reaction to something. Knowing exactly how your expressions will change is something that will benefit the way your change the expressions of your characters.
5.       Ability to Analyze
It is important as an animator, to have the ability to analyze your own work. Know what is good and what needs to be fixed in order to make your animations successful.
6.       Clear Staging
As previously stated, know exactly what you want your audience to see and know about that scene at that given time. Clear staging will ensure that your storyline flows together.
7.       Good Composition
Every scene should be visually interesting to your viewer. Keeping the scene neat with varieties of things or characters to at will be more appealing to your audience.
8.       Timing
Again, timing is a key part in every animation. Frames per second will show you just how much time you have to explain the scene in your storyline.
9.       Solidity in drawing
The skill of drawing is a plus when developing animation. You can create your character based off of the accurate drawing you’ve developed.
10.   Power in drawing
Your power in drawing is your ability to attract people to your story. Make your drawings detailed and interesting so that people want to see more.
11.   Strength in Movement
Draw in your crowd by showing the movement of your characters. This will add visual interest.
12.   Imagination
It’s difficult to think the way we once did as children. Then, anything was possible and there were no boundaries at all. Channel that inner creativity and develop something amazing!

Nine Economical Ways that Animation Can Build Emotions in the Imaginations of the Audience:

1.       Rear View
Rear view in a scene builds a personal and vulnerable mood for a scene. When a characters back is to the audience, it feels as though you are watching a personal scene from the distance. Rear view should be used in animation, but in the correct way.

2.       Shadows
Shadows give a scene suspense that draws the audience to what is happening in the next scene.
3.       Shadows over the character
Shadows over your character will add drama and excitement that cause anticipation for action.
4.       Overlays
Overlays are used by covering parts of the character that often focus the attention to one part of the character.
5.       Dramatic layout
A dramatic layout makes a sense visually interesting but is also exciting for the viewer to follow the character along in their interesting scenery.
6.       Pictorial Shot
A pictorial shot is a picture that somewhat blends as or into the background. This does not involve animation therefore makes the scene easier to create.
7.       Effects animation
Any effects that you add to your animation will change or give a set mood or feeling to the scene.
8.       Held drawing with camera moves
Creating a scene with a slow moving camera to a stopped position will add anticipation and importance to that shot. It gives a vital feeling to that scene that the audience simply should not miss.
9.       Off stage sounds
Off stages sounds take a lot of the work out of creating in different scenes for animators. This makes the audience have to listen in to understand what is happening in that scene which the character may be inside a building, behind a wall, or under and cover.

There are five additional points to remember about emotion:

 1.   Ensure that the character's emotional state is defined 
The character should be easy to read by the audience so that the story is better understood. Every emotion should be readable and clearly understood so that the scene makes sense to everyone.

2.   The thought process reveals feeling. Sometimes it can be shown with a single held drawing or a simple move. Other times there should be gestures, body moves, or full action. Determine which is best. 
Uses the best movements at the best times in order to make your animations as believable as possible.

3. Be alert to use of cutting and camera in helping to accentuate the emotion
Cutting means that the scene is being cropped in order to focus in on the thing or character. This will give the audience a better understanding of what you are trying to tell them. 

4. Ask yourself constantly: What am I trying to say here? What do I really want to show? How do I want the audience to react?
Keeping your thoughts and ideas together will help you better tell your story to the audience. By doing this, you will not be confused of your message and your audience will understand exactly what your message is saying. 

5. Use the element of time wisely: to establish the emotion of the character, to convey it to the viewers, to let them savor the situation. Don’t be ponderous, but don’t take it away from them just as they start to enjoy it.
Know the right time to give your audience what they've been waiting to know or see. Present the climax of your story in a satisfying way, and don't steal the excitement away too early before your audience can appreciate the work you have put in to developing such an entertaining storyline. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Calling All Competitors

Blog Five

A new addition to my Capstone event is providing a little friendly competition between possible attendee's in order to draw more interest to my event. I'm calling people to action over social media and in bulletins and press releases, and ultimately it is their choice to respond. The benefit of the "call-to-action" strategy is that it motivates people to immediately engage in the call-to-action contest, and by providing incentives for the winning team, people are more willing to participate. People enjoy being appreciated or recognized (especially by a large crowd), therefore the winning participants will be announced amongst the audience before the main event.

 The critical part of the process will be getting people to participate in the call-to-action contest. John Thibaut and Harold Kelly describe an interesting aspect of their social theory that explains people's ability to change the attitude of others, called behavioral control. Behavioral control means that one person has the ability to change others mindset by expressing their own interests, beliefs, etc... (Thibaut & Kelly). Having the ability to reach a social leader is vital in order to gain more participants for the contest. A successful call-to-action contest would maximize the reward for minimal cost.

When studying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Triangle confidence of achievement and respect by others falls high on the list of human needs. This call-to-action competition will not only benefit the attendance of the event, but it will benefit the self-esteem of the winners. Those who do not win are still benefiting from the competition as they fill their needs of self-actualization according to Maslow's Triangle. Some of these needs include using their creative mind to problem solve and not feel judge while competing in the call-to-action contest. Adding this friendly competition to an event will be more entertaining for everyone who anticipates both the competition and concert.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Early Walt Disney Animation

What is Caricature?
Walt Disney changed the game of animation and cinema from the very start of his creations. Walt grasped a new concepts that character creators had never really accomplished before. Sure, creators before Walt entertained their crowd, but Walt knew that it was much more than simply entertaining...and this concept alone changed the way animation was viewed forever. Walt Disney gave his characters their own personalities that emotionally invested viewers to watch his animations. Rather than simply watching a show for an hour of enjoyment, entire families were obsessing over the characters that Walt and his team developed. Overtime, Walt Disney's empire grew. Caricature is the word that defines the lively, relatable, and lovable animations that Disney created. Creating character actions that were easily defined by the audience that involved imaginative situations based on people's real-life experiences are ways that Walt Disney emotionally attached his audience to his caricatures(Thomas, 1981)

"Although emotions are typically described as mental states, visible signs on the face and body play a critical role in their expression and communication. Facial expressions and bodily movements were first related to emotional states by Charles Darwin in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). It is in this context that influence of the earlier meaning of emotion, as movement or bodily motions, most clearly asserts itself, in the (now theorized) link to more modern perspectives" -Raymond Williams                                
Raymond Williams is a Welsh academic novelist that define the term emotion in that it can be both felt mentally and  shown physically. Most already understand this definition, but Williams has done extensive research on the different origins of the word emotion and different meanings it has had overtime. The early definitions of emotions, such as bodily motions and movement that Williams describes above are ones that relate to the way Disney draws emotion from his audience. Disney genuinely wanted his audience to be emotionally invested in his caricatures that they mentally and physically reacted to his animations.

What is more true: Caricature or Realism Caricature and realism are very much the same, in the sense that they represent what is real about a person (or thing). Oxford Dictionary defines realism as the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life. Caricatures are characters that are brought to life through animation, expression, and emotion. Realism shows the quality of how caricatures are represented. While caricatures do perform very imaginative and unreal actions, (ex. talking duck or mouse) their personalities and emotions are very human-like and relatable by audiences in those situations.

Images found on Creative Commons

Friday, February 5, 2016

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Blog Four

                                                                                                        Image found on: Creative Commons    
Have you experienced the feeling of being left out or excluded from social activities by peers? Perhaps you were even verbally or physically abused by a peer? According to the HBSC study, 35% of young people reported bullying others at least once within a two month period in 2014. So, you can imagine how many people these 35% of bullies had affected over that two month period (Craig, W. & Harel Y.). Bullying can be physical, verbal and mental. Cyber bullying has become a growing issue as people hid behind computers to harass others, yet still affect victims just as much as they do in person, if not more. People that participate in bullying have left me wondering how many times they were bullied
themselves, before they chose to give in to the harassment. defines bullying as "unwanted aggressive behavior among school age children that involves real or perceived power imbalanced". However, I believe bullying can go well passed the ages of school children. Hitting, yelling at, and even rejecting your peers are just a few ways of bullying. In their study, Craig and Harel found that  boys are bullied more than young girls in every country out of their 163,000 participants in 35 countries.  My reason for studying peer rejection along with other forms of bullying is my upcoming Capstone event dealing with adolescence. My Capstone project is a concert that allows adolescents (as well as adults now) to comfortably celebrate their religion with family and friends. Because people have different beliefs, some may feel uncomfortable voicing their beliefs (especially adolescents) out of fear of peer rejection. It is important for adults to teach children early that bullying of any kind for any reason is simply unacceptable. And I believe it is just as important for children to be comfortable enough to speak to an adult as bullying can leave one feeling powerless.

KidsHelpPhone is a place for kids and teens to call if being bullied: 1-800-668-6868
or click to learn more

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Animation "Newbie"

Approaching the World of Animation

Favorite color: purple. Favorite animal: dog. Favorite food: chocolate. Favorite style of animation: undecided?

I typically decide pretty quickly what I favor about certain things. However, animation is a new topic that I’ve been introduced to in my college Animation and Communication class, and one that I’m not at all familiar working with. My focus in college so far has been more public relations related classes such as marketing classes, writing classes, research classes, etc.…Though I don’t know much about animation just yet, I really enjoy the animation created by Pixar. The realism of characters created by Pixar reflects that of an actual person so accurately that you can imagine yourself interacting with their characters.                                                            Video found on Youtube
This quick clip is one of Pixar's recent creations, Hotel Transylvania 2. The characters in this clip were created beautifully. Each movement of the body appears as an actual person moving in front of you. Of course parts are not completely realistic, but animations like this are entertaining because these characters are able to do things that people cannot. The movement of hair, blinking, and body motion are so accurate to a human that it's almost like your          watching real actors, because the detail is so stunning.

Pixar is known for its attention to detail in animation. This detail however, takes a great deal of time to perfect. For example, many Pixar movie lovers know the character Merida in Pixar’s Brave. She is highly recognized by her hair, even by those who haven’t seen the movie. Well, these luscious locks took Pixar 3 years of studying curls to perfect the thing that we adore most about this character's appearance.
It is the dedication of making a character so realistic that many love so much about Pixar movies. While I’ve yet to create my own animated characters, when going through the process, I’d love to understand more of the techniques that Pixar utilizes for their amazing creations.

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